Arkay’s Global Virtual Skill Building
Made possible by The Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan!
Arkay Incorporated is pleased to announce that we have received a $60,000 grant from the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. The Grant will allow Arkay to provide virtual skill building services to those stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I am so grateful for the generous grant from The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan! The people we support have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are stuck at home with nothing to do and we quickly realized that we must do something! Thanks to the support of the CFSEM we are able to launch a program that will have a meaningful impact on the lives of the people we support not only in southeast Michigan but eventually from coast to coast,”
-Kevin McGuckin, CEO
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan is a full-service philanthropic organization leading the way to positive change in our region. As a permanent community endowment built by gifts from thousands of individuals and organizations. The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan supports a wide variety of activities benefiting education, human services, community development, and civic affairs. Since its inception, The Community Foundation for the Southeast Michigan distributed more than $1.1 billion through more than 74, 000 grants to nonprofit organizations throughout Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Monroe, Washtenaw, St. Clair, and Livingston counties. For more information, please visit www.cfsem.org
Arkay’s mission is to assist the Developmentally Disabled and the Elderly Disabled to achieve community inclusion that enhances potential, employment opportunities, and/or volunteerism. With this mission in mind we will use $60,000 Grant to launch our new program Global Virtual Skill Building. This Program will give Arkay Incorporated the ability to provide its Skill Building and Supported Employment Services throughout Michigan and eventually throughout the United States. These services will focus on the following key topics listed below, in a safe virtual setting.