We are now in the month of April famous for the saying “April showers bring May flowers”. This is typically the time when the last bit of snow turns to all rain as temperatures warm up, and increased rain shower activity sparks the beginning of flowers and plants to bloom. The longer daytime hours help us to enjoy the spring weather outside. With the flowers starting to bloom and the leaves turning green again, winter blues are flushed out by the beautiful spring delights. Also, April is the Autism Awareness Month.
Coffee Shop
We are very happy to say that Arkay now has our own coffee shop called “Java Junction” on 2230 West Rd; Trenton, MI 48183. We received our Certificate of Occupancy from the city in late December. Our consumers are being trained for real time jobs in the coffee shop business. We are very excited to see our consumers interact & work in this new shop. Please come & enjoy! This fulfills a section in our Strategic Plan “to be recognized as a premier provider of services that utilizes ‘best practices’ in its commitment to provide a range of programs for individuals with disabilities which enable those served to maximize their individual quality of life potential as contributing members of the community”. We are currently working with the Wayne County Health Department. Our café will empower & employ people with disabilities.
Charity Roaster
Further, Arkay continues to partner with Charity Roaster. Arkay is able to provide you and your loved ones with delicious bags of Arkay Coffee. All Proceeds go toward furthering Arkay's mission to service the developmentally disabled and to support our consumers. Each bag is 12oz. of ground or whole bean coffee and all blends cost $15. It comes in 8 varieties. Please visit www.miarkay.org/arkay-coffee.
New Medicaid Rules
After nine years and multiple delays, a new Medicaid rule establishing standards for what counts as home and community-based services for people with disabilities took effect on March 17, 2023. The changes are expected to impact more than a million people receiving Medicaid home and community-based services. The settings rule is very important for people with disabilities and their families. It helps ensure that individuals are fully integrated in their communities when receiving services through Medicaid. Ultimately, settings that fail to comply with the rule may be shut down since they would no longer qualify for Medicaid funding.
Please Donate to our Mission
Please consider setting aside part of your budget to support the work of Arkay with a tax-deductible charitable donation. Supporters can donate online or by mail. Visit www.miarkay.org to make a gift using a credit card or send a check to Arkay.
Very Sincerely,
Kevin McGuckin
Arkay CEO